Implemented project

Scholarship program for children affected by russian aggression in 2022-2023

In the conditions of air attacks on civilian infrastructure and power outages, children in Ukraine did not have the opportunity to receive quality and continuous education in regular schools. The worst situation with education in Ukraine was in regions close to the active conflict zone and in occupied territories. Children evacuated abroad who wanted to continue their education in the Ukrainian program alongside their local schooling had no such opportunity.

Therefore, the Charitable Fund "Children’s Future" and the "Optima" school initiated a charitable scholarship program for quality distance education for children who were most affected by Russian aggression.

Categories of children covered by the program included:

    • children evacuated from areas of active hostilities;

    • children living in occupied or liberated territories;

    • children of military personnel;

    • children whose parents died during the war;

    • children who suffered from post-traumatic consequences and health issues due to the war.

Over 7,000 requests and 3,772 applications with supporting documents were received. Scholarships were provided to 846 students in grades 1-11.

You can find information and feedback about the scholarship program for the 2022/2023 academic year on our social media and on the foundation's YouTube page.


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The Charitable Foundation "Children’s Future" helps Ukrainian schoolchildren and provides vulnerable children with the opportunity to receive quality distance education.

The Charity Foundation "Children's Future" aids children in the field of school education, particularly distance learning. We ensure that every student has equal access to quality, innovative education regardless of their location.