Project in progress

Charitable Scholarship Program for Children with Special Needs

Charitable Scholarship Program for Children with Special Needs

Every child with special needs has the right to a comfortable and quality education. The scholarship program of the Charitable Foundation "Children’s Future" helps ensure this right by funding education at the distance school "Optima." Join us! Help with a donation or choose a child for personal support.

Why is this important?

Each child with special needs has unique educational requirements. Often, regular schools fail to create all the necessary conditions for a comfortable learning process. During wartime, the educational process becomes even more complicated, creating additional burdens and increasing the stress level for children with special needs. In these cases, distance education is the solution, which is gaining significant popularity today.
However, during the war in Ukraine, for many such children and their families, every day is a challenge. One of the challenges is providing and funding the necessary educational format. Therefore, the primary mission of the Charitable Foundation "Children’s Future" is to provide financial support through the scholarship program for the education of vulnerable children at Ukraine's first and largest distance school, "Optima."
How does the charitable scholarship program work?

The scholarships provided cover the full cost of education at the "Optima" school for the secondary education program. Our qualified staff make the procedure for obtaining funding as comfortable as possible for parents and assist in the child's ongoing educational process.

Advantages of distance education for children with special needs:

 ●   Safety. Minimizing contact with others reduces risks for children whose health conditions require special attention.
 ●   Flexibility. Learning at one's own pace, considering the special needs of each child.
 ●   Individual approach. Ability to adapt the program to the specific student.
 ●   Convenience. No need for movement for children with limited mobility.
 ●   Psychological comfort. Learning in a comfortable environment without fear of judgment.

Why "Optima"?

 ●   Full compliance with the programs of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
The distance school "Optima" has a comprehensive lesson structure that meets all the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This comprehensive lesson structure takes into account the peculiarities of each class and includes tasks of          varying levels.
 ●  Unique educational platform content.
 A team of professionals works on creating educational materials, combining video, text, audio, and interactive tasks for comfortable and interesting learning.
 ●  Differentiation.
Educational materials are developed considering the format of learning and the perception of materials by children of different ages.
 ●  Comprehensive system for the overall development of personality, balance between theory and practice.
In addition to educational materials, "Optima" offers students in-depth study of subjects, project activities, thematic weeks, and webinars by leading specialists.
 ●  Possibility of socialization even at a distance.
"Optima" students have the opportunity to meet online, communicating with peers and teachers. This helps them explore the world, develop social skills, and maintain connections even at a distance.

Project status

Every child is the future of our country, and every child deserves excellent and comfortable education.

Now is a particularly important period, as the new 2024/2025 school year is approaching, and children from vulnerable categories need financial support to receive leading and quality distance education.

Therefore, join our mission: help financially to the program or choose a child for personal support.

If you want to provide comfortable conditions for quality education for your child with special needs but lack the means, apply for a scholarship.

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The Charitable Foundation "Children’s Future" helps Ukrainian schoolchildren and provides vulnerable children with the opportunity to receive quality distance education.

The Charity Foundation "Children's Future" aids children in the field of school education, particularly distance learning. We ensure that every student has equal access to quality, innovative education regardless of their location.