Project in progress

"Ukrainian Path": Free Learning of Ukrainian History and Literature for Ukrainians Abroad

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new educational initiative by the Charitable Foundation "Children’s Future" in collaboration with the online school "Optima." "Ukrainian Path" is a unique opportunity for Ukrainian families living abroad to maintain a connection with their homeland and culture.

This program is designed for children who:

●    are abroad and feel the need to connect with Ukraine;
●    attend local schools but aspire to master the Ukrainian school program in selected subjects;
●    wish to study Ukrainian culture and history.

"Ukrainian Path" offers free learning of two key subjects – Ukrainian literature and the history of Ukraine. These lessons are conducted on the "Optima" school platform using interactive methods such as video, audio, tests, 3D animations, and educational games. Engaging cartoons with educational tasks are designed for younger students, while older students will have access to interactive exercises, infographics, and video materials.

The educational program "Ukrainian Path" involves studying two subjects related to Ukrainian identity by the end of the academic year (by 31.05.2024).

Through this initiative, we hope to assist Ukrainian children who, due to various circumstances, find themselves beyond the borders of their native country in maintaining a strong connection with Ukraine and preserving their cultural identity.

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The Charitable Foundation "Children’s Future" helps Ukrainian schoolchildren and provides vulnerable children with the opportunity to receive quality distance education.

The Charity Foundation "Children's Future" aids children in the field of school education, particularly distance learning. We ensure that every student has equal access to quality, innovative education regardless of their location.