Implemented project

Free Access to Education for Ukrainian Students in Grades 1-5 in the 2022/2023 Academic Year

The Charitable Fund "Children’s Future", in partnership with the "Optima" distance school, offered free access to high-quality educational materials for students in grades 1-5. This was done in response to the unprecedented attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure that began on November 1, 2022. The foundation, in collaboration with "Optima," took a step towards education by organizing free access to learning for elementary school students. A total of 3,332 children benefited from this initiative.

In this difficult period, when many schools shifted to online lessons due to rocket attacks and limited access to electricity, the foundation recognized the need to provide stability and accessibility to education for Ukrainian children. The "Optima" platform is available 24/7, allowing children to learn every day at their convenience.

Despite external challenges, our main goal is to ensure unity, mutual support, and belief in a brighter future for Ukrainian children. Our shared mission is to prevent circumstances from breaking the spirit of the community and to do everything possible to support the quality of education.

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The Charitable Foundation "Children’s Future" helps Ukrainian schoolchildren and provides vulnerable children with the opportunity to receive quality distance education.

The Charity Foundation "Children's Future" aids children in the field of school education, particularly distance learning. We ensure that every student has equal access to quality, innovative education regardless of their location.