What to know about the charitable program “Ukrainian Path”?

What to know about the charitable program “Ukrainian Path”?

With the onset of a full-scale war abroad, tens of thousands of schoolchildren have been forced to relocate. Many of them have started studying in foreign schools, learning the local language and culture there. However, most parents are concerned that without the opportunity to study according to the Ukrainian program, children may lose their connection with their native country.

To ensure that children, while studying in new conditions, know and preserve the language and culture of Ukraine, the Charitable Foundation “Children’s Future”, together with the distance school “Optima”, has implemented the charitable project “Ukrainian Path”. 

This program helps Ukrainian children abroad to study fundamental subjects of the Ukrainian school program:
•    For grades 1-4 – reading and “Exploring the world”;
•    For grades 5-11 – Ukrainian literature and history of Ukraine.

All lessons have been created by experts from the “Optima” school and specifically designed for distance learning. Inside – everything needed to make the classes as interesting and useful as possible for children: video materials, illustrations, infographics, animation, educational tasks, and games – from the farthest corners of the world, Ukrainian schoolchildren will be able to nurture their national identity and cultural connection with their homeland.

Submitting an application is very simple: either through the official website https://optima.school/formi-navcanna/ukrainian-way, or by phone numbers: +380 (67) 333-91-87, +380 (99) 333-91-87.

If you want to learn more about the “Optima” school, which offers its educational materials and teaching support for this project – you can also read more about the school and get consultation through the “Ask a manager” button in the chatbot https://t.me/optima_help_bot.

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