The innovative model of hybrid learning from the Charitable Foundation "Children’s Future".

Інноваційна модель гібридного навчання від фонду «За майбутнє дітей». Круглий стіл Всеукраїнської асоціації громад.

On October 12, 2023, the Charitable Foundation "Children’s Future" presented to the public an innovative model of hybrid learning that has the potential to change the education format in rural areas of Ukraine. The foundation, in collaboration with the All-Ukrainian Association of Communities, under the patronage of the USAID Program for Agricultural and Rural Development (AGRO) and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, gathered over 250 participants to discuss crucial issues in the development of education in rural areas.

What was discussed at this event? The hybrid (in-person and distance) format of education promises to address and solve a series of problems that are challenging to avoid in rural communities.

  • Low availability of quality modern education for students.
  • High costs of education per student.
  • Unemployment among highly qualified teaching staff.
  • Closure of schools as cultural centers in villages.
  • The need for transportation for education.


The in-person distance learning program involves equipping regular rural schools with special classrooms with internet access and modern technological devices. Students can study in these classrooms or use distance learning at their own choice. Teachers (tutors) ensure the organization of learning, support students in mastering the material, control its quality, and communicate with parents.

The goal of this program is to provide access to quality secondary education in all corners of Ukraine. In small rural schools, this will enable the provision of modern quality education, individual learning pace, socialization in small groups, flexibility in organizing the learning process, and the possibility of studying even in difficult circumstances.

In addition, the presentation announced that the foundation already provides a trial free access to the in-person distance learning program and plans to develop a sustainable in-person distance learning program in collaboration with the All-Ukrainian Association of Communities, involving communities and schools across Ukraine. Together, we can change the future of education and development for our children in rural communities!

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