

7th grade

His story of the war...

We used to have a happy family: dad, mom, elder sister, and elder brother. Grandmothers and grandfathers. Everyone lived well and happily, each enjoying life in their own way. But in 2019, my mother fell ill. It seemed like the world turned upside down for me. Mom was in the hospital, and dad was sad all the time, working from morning till night to earn money for her medicine. I lived with my grandmother Olya, I was finishing the fourth grade with her. I could only talk to my mom on the phone because she was hospitalized in Kyiv for a long time. I spent almost six months without my mom until she got better, and dad brought her home. Life started to get better. We became a happy and united family again. We were all together! At that time, I thought that was the scariest thing that could happen...

But then the war started... War is a very scary word in my life... We survived! But my dad was killed... He was a volunteer, helping people evacuate, carrying medicine, and distributing food. He was brave! On March 17, when dad went to get medicine, the Russians caught him. They tortured him and shot him. And as a final act, they planted explosives. We searched for dad for a long time, hoping that he just lost contact. Then, after the retreat of the Russian Federation, they found and buried dad. My dad is my hero! He died, but he will always be in my heart...

At the moment, my mom is sick, she has a Group I disability, and my dad is no longer with us. We are left alone, without our dad who took care of us.