Let's help children get a quality education! We are launching a crowdfunding campaign for vulnerable children.

Let's help children get a quality education! We are launching a crowdfunding campaign for vulnerable children.

The Charitable Foundation "Children's Future" is starting a fundraiser for scholarships for children in need of support. With your help, they will be able to study at Ukraine's largest online school, "Optima," and receive a quality education.

Our project goals:
  • Provide vulnerable children with access to quality education. 
  • Raise funds for a year of schooling at "Optima" for vulnerable children.

Last year, our program helped 173 children. This year, we want to help even more!

Details about the children can be found on the "Our Wards" page on the foundation's website: https://childrensfuture.org.ua/uk/children. 

Since 2022, the charitable foundation has helped over 10,000 children. Join us and help children get a quality education!
Together, we can do more!

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