

7 grade

Andriy is in the 5th grade and is learning remotely because he has a disability (epilepsy syndrome). He learns much easier and faster at home in a peaceful atmosphere. Furthermore, our family lived in Luhansk Oblast, specifically in Kreminna, before the war, and Kreminna has been on the front line for the past two years. Thankfully, we survived, but our home in the suburbs was destroyed eight months after the start of the war, so we had to leave our homeland. Currently, we are in Tajikistan, where salaries are very low, so it would have been challenging to pay for school.

We had a choice - to attend a regular (Russian-speaking) school or stay with Optima. We decided to stay with Optima because in regular schools here, each class has over 40 children, and it's hard to imagine adequate learning conditions for a child with epilepsy in such a situation. Only after making this decision did we see the offer on the website to apply for a scholarship, and we were very happy! It's indeed a great blessing for our family that our son can receive quality education for free in his beloved online school!